The Tabernacle of David was established in 2003 after a mandate was given by the Lord to Ruth and Laurence (Laurie) Webb, and confirmed by many ministries within Bendigo.
Tabernacle of David (Bendigo) is a Centre for Throne-room Worship and Intercession.
We are a Christian ministry whose foundation is to passionately love and worship Yeshua (Jesus).
We have many similarities with and relate to many houses of prayer around the world.
"Raise up an altar of true worship over the spiritual strongholds in the region."
Bendigo is about 2 hours drive north of Melbourne, Australia, and is in proximity to the geographical centre of Victoria. Bendigo was one of the world's richest gold mines. Tons of gold were taken from the city and the wealth was used to assit in the building of Melbourne and paying the debt of England. Bendigo is a vortex of all kinds of spirituality, abd has become a major centre of 'religion'.
Jesus was asked by a lawyer amongst the religious leaders, what is the most important command? Jesus quoted from Deuternonmy 6 and said it summarised all the laws and prophets : ‘You shall love the your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.' 39 And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ (Matthew 22:37)
The Scriptures emphasize NOT worshipping other gods, but Him alone. Jesus is exalted, the name above every other name!
Discover more about His altar of true worship and intercession
1. From our radio program: ANZAC DAY and ALTAR OF WORSHIP https://youtu.be/Z4ZDLCigFQg
2. From our Worship day: "For the Fame of His Name - Build the Altar of Worship". This iclip is longer but ncludes livestream of throne-room worship and message about His Altar. https://youtu.be/QHgcz_fq5aQ
Heart of the Psalmist Inc
Our publishing arm - "Heart of the Psalmist Inc" was established in 1993 upon the publication of "Restoring True Worship", a book written by Ruth Webb that is an overview of the lord's heart for true worship. Since then, Heart of the Pslamist Inc has produced many worship resources for the wider Church. Amongst these resources is music for throne-room worshippers to listen to or music scores to assist muscians reproduce these songs. We also have teaching resources to encourage the Body of Messiah in the three main areas that is the basis of our ministry.
Whether through our Centre for Throne-room Worship (Tabernacle of David (Bendigo)) or our publishing arm (Heart of the Psalmist Inc) , the basis of our ministry is three interconnected streams—all consistent with the New Testament "restoration of the Tabernacle of David".
- Throne-room Worship (including prophetic worship through various arts and intercession)
- Stand with Israel and reconnect with Hebraic roots
- Healing, wholeness and transformation
1. Throne-Room Worship
We get a glimpse into the worship of heaven in the book of Revelation and a few other key Scriptures. God’s Throne is surrounded by worship 24/7. From the environment of continuous worship, God releases His heart, His Word, His purposes, and His judgements.
Throne-room worshippers seek to:
- Make God our focus. Ensure all praise and worship is to Him and for Him. Bow before Him in awe and give Him the honour and glory He deserves.
- Make His Glory and Presence an intentional priority, and do what is necessary to facilitate these.
- Receive fresh revelation of the Holy One.
- Strengthen their relationship with the Lord to grow in intimacy.
- Be inspired by and learn from the worship of heaven.
- Seek to be led and inspired by the Holy Spirit. Follow the flow of the Holy Spirit—somewhat like a river.
- Ensure our worship on earth is in agreement and alignment with heaven—that His kingdom will come on earth as it is in heaven.
- Take time to wait in His Presence—to be unhurried, to enjoy Him and to Hear what He is saying to us.
- Respond to His voice.
- Be engaged and involved in the worship—rather than being “spectators” who watch or allow others to worship for them.
Spiritual Gifts & Arts
Throne–room worship and intercession is expressed through a combination of the Arts; music, dance, visual banners, prophetic art and prophetic acts.
Each of these components is Scriptural, even though not all are commonly practiced in Churches at this point. All worshippers at Tabernacle of David (T.O.D.) are encouraged to be totally engaged and to exercise the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Many play shofars (or ram’s horns) and some dance before the Lord with banners.
When banners and dance are utilised they lift worship to include the visual dimension. What God is doing in the Spirit realm is made visible and understandable through our five physical and spiritual senses, rather than just the ear gate as is the case in many worship experiences.
Prophetic acts through the visual arts are a Scriptural way to show what the Holy Spirit is saying to us. Many times the Lord asked a prophet to “act out” what He was saying. For example, Jeremiah had to buy a plot of land and then bury the deed to preserve it. This was done to prophesy to Israel that God would soon return them to their own land—and they would have ownership of it.
Harp and Bowl is the combination of prophetic Worship and Intercession based upon Revelation 5:8. This becomes strategic and powerful spiritual warfare for cities and nations. We have many testimonies of miracles and breakthroughs as a result of prolonged throne room worship. Testimonies are from individuals as well as churches—including breakthroughs in regions and critical situations.
2. Stand With Israel & Hebraic Roots
Align with the God of Israel
We worship the God of Israel. As the Body of Messiah we are grafted into the Olive tree – the representation of Israel (Romans 11:11-24). The fullness of prophetic worship is only possible as we connect with God’s heart. God loves Israel. Lovers of God love what He loves. Standing with Israel is important to be rightly aligned with our Lord.
God said to Abraham that He would bless those who bless Israel. (Genesis 12:3) We are asked to pray for the peace of Jerusalem in Psalm 122, but doing so also brings great blessings to us.
Reconnect to Hebraic Roots
Yeshua, Jesus, was a Jew. He grew up in a Jewish family who observed the Feasts and customs of the Old Testament. Jews wrote the Bible, with the exception of Luke. The Bible first documents Jewish history and God’s covenants to them as a people. Yeshua and the Apostles only preached from the “Old Covenant”—as they were busy making history and providing the material for the New Testament. On the day of Pentecost it was Jewish believers who had tongues of fire upon them. Hence the early church began among Jews. Gentiles were added later.
If we are to be grafted into the Olive tree, then re-connecting with our Hebraic roots is not only good sense—it is vital! Discovering how Yeshua fulfils the Feasts and all the laws and Prophets ensures the Scriptures are opened up with profound understanding.
Some of our Hebraic activities
- Ministry trips including 2-3 days of worship in Israel to bring breakthrough.
- Connecting with like-minded ministries in Australia, Asia and Israel.
- Providing friendship and comfort to Orthodox Jewish people in Israel.
- Celebrating the role the ANZACS played in freeing Israel from 400 years of Ottoman Turk rule, paving the way for Israel to become a nation in 1948.
- Financial support to Jewish based ministries.
- Hosting meetings in Australia to support Israel in prayer and finances and to help disseminate the Stand with Israel message while challenging Replacement Theology and anti-Semitism.
3. Transformation Through Healing & Wholeness
In these last days the Holy Spirit is repeatedly calling for the army of God—His Worshipping Warriors—to arise. Yet the army has many wounded soldiers in need of healing. Some of the wounded are “infectious”—needing special care.
So many of God's preciosu people are struggling with an "orphan heart". Yet our Heavnely Father provides everything for us to belong to His family.
Loving God and loving one another is the basis of true worship. But many times God’s love is something we know intellectually but has not yet got down to the core of our heart—often where unhealed wounds are festering away. How many times have we misrepresented God’s love to one another, our families and to the world—resulting in more dissatisfied and wounded people?
Healing, deliverance, wholeness and transformation through the power of the cross, the blood of Jesus and His resurrection power, are core values of T.O.D. (1 Corinthians 1:18) We value repentance, humility and the ministry of the Holy Spirit as keys to revival and experiencing the Glory of God.
Some of our transformation activities
- Hosting Jack Frost “Embracing Father’s Love” seminar.
- Hosting Elijah House seminars and school.
- Providing a small group environment to share and pray through issues together with transparency and support.
- Deliverance and breakthroughs during times of worship and prayer ministry
- Relevant Bible teaching to encourage believers to remove and renounce all forms of idolatry.