Why Shift Embassy to Jerusalem?

Within days (certainly before Christmas 2018), Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison will make the decision to shift the Australian Embassy to Jerusalem, or to scrap the idea. Earlier this year USA shifted their embassy to Jerusalem. Why is this important? Does it really concern me? I am only one person—what can I do about it? Such decisions will impact you, your children, your grandchildren and your nation.
It may seem hard to comprehend, but such decisions are part of the tapestry to prepare the way for Jesus to return to earth! Did you know nations will be judged by how they treat Israel? If you want to play a part in preparing the way for the return of Jesus, and for the future of Australia to be blessed, then keep reading! shofars over temple mt

Last December 5, a petition signed by 8000 Australian citizens was tabled asking the Federal Parliament to place their embassy in Jerusalem. The following day President Trump declared his intention to move America’s embassy to Jerusalem. As President Trump made the announcement and then symbolically carried out his promise on the 70th anniversary of the state of Israel, a seismic shift took place in the Spirit realm. Since that time there has been a distinct and obvious clash of kingdoms. 

First, believers across the world, who understand the Biblical importance of Jerusalem, celebrated the decision. Prophetic people could sense a seismic spiritual shift-taking place. Equally, those in opposition to God and to Israel became even more vocal and violent. The day the US embassy officially opened in Jerusalem, Gaza erupted in violent protests in attempt to storm the border. This day began months of kite bombs being sent into Israel that would damage major agriculture through fires, not to mention rockets. Media and anti-Semitic rhetoric and behaviour have similarly intensified since USA decided to and then shifted their embassy.

What is the big deal?
An embassy represents a government, and is placed in the capital of a foreign nation. Recognising Jerusalem as the capital of Israel is the recognition by governments, that Jerusalem is the eternal capital of Israel. This fact is rather obvious to Bible lovers and to those who worship the "Holy One of Israel. But to those who oppose the God of Israel—His purposes for Jerusalem is a threat and an affront.

Jerusalem is the most fought over real estate in the world. In the natural, that few acres of land should not cause world wars. But God has chosen it for His habitation (Psalm 48). To be against Jerusalem means standing against God! Listen to this sobering warning God gives to the nations who come against Jerusalem.  “…in that day that I will make Jerusalem a very heavy stone for all peoples; all who would heave it away will surely be cut in pieces, though all nations of the earth are gathered against it.” (Zechariah 12:3)

Jerusalem is a ‘heavy stone’ for all nations, including the United Nations. Nations will rise and fall according to decisions they make about Jerusalem. Nations will be blessed or cursed according to how they treat Israel. Ultimately we either stand in agreement with God's heart and His plans or we stand against Him. Rather blunt, but true.

Why Jerusalem?
Mentioned over 750 times in the Bible, Psalm 122 tells us why Jerusalem is important to God, and summons us to pray.

  1. “Jerusalem, you were built as a city of praise, where God and man mingle together.”
  2. “This is where all the people of Israel are required to come and worship Jehovah-God.”
  3. “This is where the thrones of kings have been established to rule in righteousness; even King David.”

We are called to pray for the peace of Jerusalem because it is the place of communion between God and man, a place of worship, and a place of righteous government. So when we pray for the peace of Jerusalem we are praying for Jerusalem we are praying for;

  • Worldwide revival.
  • True worshippers to arise.
  • Jesus to return—and all the preparations needed.
  • Righteous government to return to our nations!
  • Ourselves to receive a special blessing!

Good reasons to stand with Jerusalem!

Return of Jesus 
Jesus returns to earth, the Prince of Peace will descend on the Mount of Olives, which is in East Jerusalem. Jesus the Jew is not returning to New York, London, Moscow or Canberra. No, His feet will touch down in Jerusalem. It is evident as you travel around East Jerusalem, the City of David, the Temple Mount, and Mount of Olives—the enemy is paranoid about the Jewish Messiah returning! The many real estate battles are a feeble attempt to somehow stop Jesus from coming back to earth and ruling! Though our Embassy would be in ‘West’ Jerusalem, nevertheless, nations recognising Jerusalem, as the capital of Israel triggers earthquakes in the spiritual realms, because as nations side with the God of Israel—it is another step closer to His return.

Blessings or Judgement - How we Treat Israel 
God gave a promise to Abraham that has been proven again and again. “I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse him who curses you; and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.” (Genesis 12:3)

Without citing every example, because that would take a book, one glaring example in history concerns the United Kingdom. They were a major superpower when they 'blessed' Israel, with the 1917 Balfour Declaration. But when the formation of the state of Israel came about in 1948, Great Britain did everything to impede the new Jewish state. It redrew borders against the Word of God. It gave equipment and arms to the well-fortified Arabs and executed any Jew found with arms to defend them selves. The establishment and survival of Israel was a miracle, despite Britain’s efforts to the contrary. But soon after, Great Britain was no longer great or a superpower. Standing with and for Israel brings a blessing to nations.

Australia and New Zealand ANZACs displayed heroics from Beersheba and all the way to Damascus. Militarily we helped open the gates to the state of Israel, a fact openly recognised by Israel Prime Minister Netanyahu at Beersheba anniversary 31st October 2017. In line with the promise to Abraham, Australia has been a blessed nation. If this blessing is to continue, then Australia must remain standing with Israel, and the embassy is one glaring opportunity to remain in our blessing. Over and over, history has confirmed the Scriptural promise. Do we want to receive a fresh blessing of protection?

Revivals Linked to Israel
Furthermore, the re-birth of the nation of Israel by God’s intervention, has simultaneously seen an outpouring of blessing on the worldwide Church. When Israel became a nation in 1948, simultaneously across the world, a healing revival broke out in the Church. In 1967 when Jerusalem was reunified, the Jesus people revival and the Charismatic revival both occurred in the Church worldwide. Up to 1967 there were very few Jews who believed that Jesus is their Messiah. Since then the Messianic Church has expanded rapidly within Israel, also in other nations. 

Romans 9-11 are very clear. God has not forgotten His promises to Israel. And when the Jews are reconciled to God, resurrection life will be released worldwide. (Romans 11:15 TPT) As revival hits Israel so extraordinary miracles, including rising of the dead, will become 'commonplace' across the globe. 

So for Australia to be blessed and not cursed, for Australia to be in alignment with God's heart, for Australia to be a sheep nation and not a goat nation, for Australia to experience the promised revival - we must stand with Israel. This includes recognising Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and shifting our embassy. In one sense it is stating the obvious. The Israeli parliament (Knesset) sits in Jerusalem. Yet when USA shifted their embassy, much of the media and anti-Semitic nations and organisations began to use hostile and irrational language. 
Shifting the Australian Embassy is the right thing to do. Shifting the Australian Embassy is a powerful prophetic statement to the rulers of darkness that we stand with all the plans and purposes of God of Israel. 

If Bible believing Christians do not stand in agreement with God regarding His Word about Jerusalem, who will? The devil has deceived so many—even Christians. The devil has also convinced us that we don’t have a voice. What can one person do?

There are two very powerful and strategic things that you can do right now.        I strongly urge you to engage, and be His voice. 

  1. Prayer.
    Pray for Scott Morrison and his cabinet. Pray for them to have courage to make the right and godly decision. Pray they will not surrender to intimidation or make an expedient decision.
  2. Write an email to Scott Morrison - TODAY
    Click here its fast and simple:  https://www.pm.gov.au/contact-your-pm
    The Honourable Scott Morrison, Prime Minister. Parliament House. Canberra 2601
    Assure him of your prayers. Encourage him as a believer to position Australia to be blessed by God.
    Encourage PM Morrison to be courageous. 

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The restoration of the Tabernacle of David is prophecy being fulfilled. Restoration began when Peter first ministered to the Gentiles. The Jewish Apostles were grappling with the concept that the Gospel was also for the Gentiles.

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