SSM Plebiscite

To all members, adherents and friends of Tabernacle of David (Bendigo), the vote in Australia regards same sex marriage is a very serious issue.

At a time when Christians are under attack across the globe, it is even more important for our voice to be heard. We urge every Australian to vote as responsible citizens. And we urge you to vote in alignment with the Word of God. As a Christian ministry, we adhere to the Scriptural definition of marriage being between one man and one woman. Marriage is the bedrock of society, and its impact is not just a personal issue; “redefining marriage, also redefines parenting.”

This issue is very emotive for many individuals, and we seek to be caring towards those who do not believe as we do. Without compromising Scripture we seek to love homosexuals and lesbians.

When discussing this matter in person or in social media, we encourage you to be humble in speech, factual, wise and discerning. Try to avoid Christian “jargon” but rather consider research as to why SSM is bad for our society. There are good reasons to cause decent people, regardless of religious persuasions, to stop and think.

There are practical things you can do. This is a spiritual battle, so prayer is #1

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  • Pray for light of God to expose any unethical vote rigging, and the process stays fair and proper.
  • The LGBT community is on a crusade to change our roots, our history and society. We need to pray for revival among the LGBT. The enemy is trying to destroy many precious lives for whom Jesus died.
  • Pray for those who have a public “voice” to speak for righteousness
    e.g. Lyle Shelton, Fred Nile, Margaret Court and others. Ask the Lord to protect them and their families, powerfully anoint their thoughts and words, and open doors for them to be heard.
  • Pray for the light of the Lord to expose every lie and for truth to be heard! Especially pray re deception and seduction. Some surveys favorable to the same sex marriage lobby have had defects in the material. E.g. The most quoted research into the mental and emotional health of children of parents living in same sex relationships relied on assessments supplied by the parents themselves, not by impartial health professionals.  
  • This spiritual battle for marriage coincides with the 100-year anniversary of the ANZAC charge and the 500-year protestant reformation. There are many prayer assignments in Israel and Australia during the time of the plebiscite, calling for spiritual ANZACS to arise!

Other practical things you can do:

  • Vote
  • Write letters to MP’s, newspapers, like and share social media.
    • Get facts and information from good material e.g. “Stealing from a Child: The Injustice of Marriage Equality" by David van Gend (QLD doctor)
  • One of the most powerful things you can do is pray about perversion in your own family. We all have wickedness in our lineage somewhere. Cleansing our bloodline through the cross removes legal ground from the enemy, giving us more authority when we pray and speak to others. Personal prayer always has an impact in the spiritual atmosphere.
  • Repent /and renounce all perversion in your family line.

Five ramifications to consider;

  1. “Redefining marriage, redefines parenting.”
  2. “Children’s rights to both parents are stripped away by law to validate the emotions of adults.”
  3. Without the help of science, there is no possibility of reproduction—hence makes society sterile!
  4. “Homosexuality leads to exploitation of women because for men to have children they need to “hire a womb”.  This is much more invasive than lesbians who “purchase sperm” from a donor. Essentially SSM reduces production of children to a factory of convenience with monumental ramifications for the identity of children born.”
  5. Are we setting up a potential nasty conflict in our nation with the increasing Muslim community who kill gays? They seek to have multiple wives to take over by mass reproduction while we legislate to make our society sterile!


Laurence and Ruth Webb
Tabernacle of David (Bendigo)

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The restoration of the Tabernacle of David is prophecy being fulfilled. Restoration began when Peter first ministered to the Gentiles. The Jewish Apostles were grappling with the concept that the Gospel was also for the Gentiles.

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