Saturday 24th September

Feast of Trumpets begin on Sunday 26th. Saturday 25th at 1 pm, we will gather to sound shofars, and prepare to rightly align with the Lord of Hosts for this new era.  Bring your shofars, and prepare for the "Autumn Feasts", and the Hebraic year of 5783.  High St Church, Bendigo and FB live 

 Trumpets and shofars announce the Hebraic year of 5783, and commences the 10 days of awe and the [Autumn] Feasts of the Lord: Trumpets, Atonement and Feast of Tabernacles. You are invited to join us on Saturday as we bow before the Lord of Hosts in throne-room worship, as we  consider the prophetic call for 5783.With the new era (rather than new season) being so distinctly marked by the death of Queen Elizabeth, this Rosh Hashanah is a critical time to sound the shofars. Many prophetic words given re this new era which we will share on Saturday.As we prepare in  sound the shofars, this is such an important time in history to herald and align with the King of kings, the Lord of Hosts, the King of Glory.Our worship time Saturday is to position us to release a sound of welcome to the King of Glory in this pivotal feast season.
watch last months Throne-room Worshipradio message

Trumpets   Sunday 25th – Tuesday 27th        Sound shofars, call to repentance
Yom Kippur  Tues, Wed 4-5th October             Atonement        
Feast of Tabernacles  Sunday 9th -16th October  Tabernacle with Him.

The Hebraic year of 5783 
The Hebrew language provides numerical numbers and pictures to help us with understanding as we seek the Lord.

5 = grace

7 = completion, maturity

8 = new beginnings

3 = Trinity, 3-fold cord not easily broken The 3rd day throughout Scripture speaks of resurrection!

Much more of the meaning will be shared on Saturday. This coming year we will have to make consequential decisions, that will play out in this new era. Will we side with the Lord of Hosts or the ways of man?
Yes, we are in challenging times ahead, but the Lord of Hosts is with us – if we align with Him! 

OUR ACTIVITIES DURING THE FEASTS - ALL ON ZOOM - will also join these with praying for Victoria and Israel (as per previous email)

  • Blow shofars: Monday 26th September 7:30 pm      Zoom
  • Atonement communion Wed 5th October                Zoom       
  • Tabernacles   Friday  -14th October   ZOOM +  HIGH ST  CHURCH            ZOOM AT 7:30 pm   

 zoom link   
 Meeting ID: 347 708 7253  Passcode: TOD123

About Us

The restoration of the Tabernacle of David is prophecy being fulfilled. Restoration began when Peter first ministered to the Gentiles. The Jewish Apostles were grappling with the concept that the Gospel was also for the Gentiles.

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