Saturday 30th April 1pm

JOIN US this Sturday, 30th April, for THRONE-ROOM WORSHIP @ 1:00 pm 
High St Church Bendigo OR Facebook live

We are in the most serious times since WW2. But HOPE arises. The Government is on the shoulders of Jesus and His blood redeems nations to their destiny.

 Every day there are threats the Ukraine - Russia conflict could spill into nuclear or WW3. And war drums beat over the Pacific region, a crescendo rising as the dragon footprint seeks to expand. Culture wars seek to instil fear and wipe out Christianity. But HOPE arises.

Wonderful and powerful victories were witnessed during PASSOVER, as the power of the blood was proclaimed. All thanks and glory to the Lord. And a serious word was given for Australia, during Passover, which  we will also share and pray into. 

The weapons of our warfare are mighty for victory in the unseen realm.  The Lord is calling the Church to leave grumbling and complaining behind, and step up in maturity, as contend, as His army, for revival and discipling nations. 

Throne-room worship is about entering His Presence, and praying and releasing His sounds from what He shows and speaks. Expect encounters in His Presence. Join us in worship and prayer for Australia's coming federal election. A hung parliament is becoming a strong possibility. Meanwhile, the day after our election, the WHO are voting to strip 194 nations of their sovereignty, to give the WHO global control over human health. In this season, there is so much for us to exalt the name of Jesus above!! 

Saturday 30th April 1:00 pm 
High St Church Bendigo OR Facebook live

Disciple Nations

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The restoration of the Tabernacle of David is prophecy being fulfilled. Restoration began when Peter first ministered to the Gentiles. The Jewish Apostles were grappling with the concept that the Gospel was also for the Gentiles.

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