Harp Resurgence: End-time Instrument
In this turbulent spiritual season the Lord is causing a resurgence of the sound of the harp. It is no coincidence that the harp is having a renaissance during this season of strong turbulent contention in the spirit realm. As the enemy rages against God’s people (Jew and Christian), and seeks to destroy Judea-Christian ethics, laws and morality, God is at work. It may seem crazy to our thinking that He would release the gentle sound of the harp. But come with me through some Scriptures to discover why the resurgence of the harp is prophetic and powerful for this season—even to have victory over the spirit of anti-Christ!
As the harp is heard again in Israel and the Church, it is a clear sign, and a ‘voice’ from heaven affirming the season we are in. This is the time for heaven’s sound to be heard on earth again. It is a sound to comfort those who mourn. The Lord says it contains a sound to break the ‘sound barrier’ of demonic oppression. Prodigals and the wounded to be wooed back to Father’s loving arms. The harp heralds a new sound in worship, a sound connected to the worship of heaven, and of victory in the spiritual war. It is a sign the Tabernacle of David is being restored. The sound reverberating through the strings of the harp resonate with heaven, with earth and with human souls and bodies.
The harp is a gentle instrument. But gentle does not mean weak.
King David said “your gentleness has made me great” (Psalm 18:3) and Isaiah said, “in quietness and confidence is your strength.” (Isaiah 30:15) Greatness and strength come through the Lord’s gentleness and shalom. In Israel’s history, it’s prophetic future—and right now, the harp is an instrument in the Lord’s hand to simultaneously console and destroy.
The harp has long been associated with King David and the nation of Israel. It represents joy, blessings, comfort, deliverance, and is a unique and powerful instrument of worship in heaven. Hardly a caricature of heaven does not include angels and harps!
The loss of the harp is a sign of bondage. Israel hung up their harps when they were in Babylonian captivity (Psalm 137:2). “How can we sing the Lord’s song in a foreign land?” they lamented. Seventy years later they returned to Israel, rebuilt the temple, and again the harp was heard in worship.
This year (2018) is the 70th year since the re-establishment of the nation of Israel. The resurgence of the harp in modern Israel is a sign of freedom, of returning to the land of promise. The sound of the harp being added to worship in Israel and in the nations is a prophetic sign of captivity ending to spiritual Babylon and it seductive harlotry. The Lord calls His people to flee from Babylon. (Revelation 18:4) It is time for the God’s people to be released from bondage to the spirit of Babylon.
Yes, David used the harp to soothe the demonic distresses of King Saul, but do we also realise the Lord has used and will use the sound of the harp to defeat His strong foes—the Assyrians and the anti-Christ? Exodus 15, Acts 15 and Revelation 15 contain amazing connections of God’s interventions. Fifteen means, “act of divine grace”.[1] The harp plays a part in His victories! More on this in a moment.
For good reasons the Lord is restoring the sound of the harp to His Church. Since the late 1980’s the Holy Spirit has been moving across the earth to restore the Tabernacle of David, including the sound of the harp.
“Since 1987, the House of Harrari has worked in partnership with the Temple Institute, a non-profit organization located in the Old City of Jerusalem, to prepare the harps that will be needed for the future Temple.” [2]
Without venturing into the discussion of a rebuilt temple, there is nevertheless, serious preparation taking place in Jerusalem to prepare harps of sufficient quality and quantity for a restored temple. The Temple Institute is working on all requirements of a temple; instruments, furniture, priests, instruments and musicians. Temple preparation is not a political statement but a faith statement that Messiah is coming soon!
So if Jews are preparing to release the sound of the harp in Israel, then it should be no surprise that the Holy Spirit would simultaneously release the harp in worship in His Church. Historically the Lord moves in Israel in the natural concurrently with the church in the spiritual. Several ministries in Israel are re-creating harps for the unique sound to be released throughout Israel. But it is not just Israel.
I first wrote this article in 2012 but never published it. It was like God began speaking, but the word and His work have been incubating, maturing, and it is now time! In fact while writing this article I began to realise how many times harp stories and harps have weaved in and out of my life. But two critical ones are worth telling.
Probably around 2008 when I felt the first nudge from the Lord. As we released throne-room worship in Sydney, a friend brought the harp she had been using in worship for some years. Later, my sister gave me my mother’s old and dilapidated zither. I realised I had often played with it as a child. I sought to get it repaired, but was not value for money.
I recently began to connect some dots of significant events in 2010. In that year, Tom Hess began the Harp School on the Mt of Olives led by Michael David from Canada whose mission is to restore the sound from the Tabernacle of David. The same year Andrew Ironside in Australia connected with a harp maker, began using the harp for worship, and is now teaching it to other worship leaders and musicians. And only the Lord knows how many others around the world the Lord has also inspired. In 2014 we connected with Michael David just blocks away from and hours before, Yehuda Glick, the Temple advocate, was shot in Jerusalem. The connections on that day are burned into my memory. It is no coincidence that in the span of a few years, there is an upsurge of harps being released for Holy Spirit led worship.
Both for Israel and the Church, the Lord is preparing the way for Messiah with the sound of harps! That in itself would be sufficient reason to be excited and want to see the harp released. But there are another three vital reasons for the harp in these end-times.
Since David played his harp for Saul, the instrument has been seen as therapeutic. Music therapy frequently attributes it roots to King David’s harp—rather ironic when they often then progress onto New-Age practices!
When the distressing spirit affected King Saul, those around quickly called for a good harp player—they knew its soothing effect would calm the disturbed king and deliver from demonic oppression. The young shepherd boy had spent hours worshipping YHWH on his harp. He probably played his songs of praise to the King.
Though the Greeks used the harp to express sorrow, for the Jews the harp represented, joy, blessing, praise and deliverance. Because it is such a sound of joy and worship they could not play the harp or sing the song of the Lord while in Babylonian captivity. Although digressing for a moment—it is interesting to note that one of the judgements upon Babylon, is all music will be silenced. Mystery Babylon is finally overcome just prior to the marriage supper of the Lamb. One of the occurrences is the silencing of Babylonian inspired music! When praying re Babylonian music arising in the earth, we can prophesy Revelation 18:22!
Now back to comfort brought by music the harp. The prophet Isaiah begins chapter 40 with “Comfort my people! Comfort them!” says your Elohim.2 “Speak tenderly to Jerusalem…” Many ministries to Israel have taken this word and applied it in many ways—including humanitarian aid and reconciliation. But the sound of music is another. Violinist Ruth Fazal has released music for Holocaust survivors in Israel. There is a sound from the Lord that brings comfort and deliverance. Repeated testimonies from our worship gatherings, speak of emotional healing and depression lifting.
The resurgence of the harp is prophetically being released by Holy Spirit to pursue individuals and nations into His comforting arms. Many in our ever-increasing crazy world need comfort. We are in times of great stress and distress. Right across the Middle East and nation after nation, the world is in distress with the increase of volcanoes and earthquakes, hatred, terrorism, brutality, injustice, and financial and political insecurity. Jesus spoke of the end times that people would “faint at the prospect of what is overtaking the world; for the powers in heaven will be shaken”. (Luke 21:26 CJB)
Frightened children are comforted by the reassuring sound of mother and father singing, so the Lord sings over us. It is not coincidence, the resurgent harp is being sent by Holy Spirit in conjunction of the revelation of Father’s love—to comfort and pursue nations back to Himself. The calming, peaceful resonance of the harp contrasts to the cacophony of daily life; traffic noise, machinery, airplanes, cash registers, iPhones, and TV’s. I wonder if loud amplified sounds of popular culture is just a reflection of the noise and pace of life, or just the noise in people’s heads as they struggle with every day stress or traumatic memories? Or perhaps these sounds reflect the Babylonian system. Even countless Christians are dogged by traumas, abuses, offenses and un-forgiveness.
In the midst of chaos God promises to give us peace. In the midst of nations raging war, and oceans roaring the Lord says, “Be still and know that I am God.” (Psalm 46) We can be still in the midst of chaos because He remains on his throne, and He will be exalted among all the nations. The Lord is causing people to come into His sanctuary to find refuge amidst a world that gives in to selfishness and every evil desire. The harp reflects this quietness, this assurance, and rest. It is a place of safety, and a place of restoring the soul. The restoration of the harp is for comfort, and to draw our attention heavenward.
The harp is the instrument of choice in heaven. The 24 elders have a harp in one hand and prayer bowls in the other. Elders are leaders—perhaps mature ones. The task of worship and intercession is in their hands!
For many years prayer houses worldwide have been discussing and utilising ‘Harp and Bowl’ as a formula in worship. When King David brought the Ark into Jerusalem and established the Tabernacle of David, he replicated the worship of heaven. The early church declared the Tabernacle of David was being restored in Acts 15—the #15 signifying “acts of divine grace”.
In this instance the divine grace was through the blood of Yeshua, removing enmity between Jews and Gentiles and producing ‘one new man’. (Ephesians 2:11-22) The first Tabernacle of David was also an “act of divine grace” as King David was the first to defeat the mocking Jebusites, and thus brought the Ark into the centre of Israel’s government. Of the many key elements of King David tabernacle was throne-room worship 24/7. It is no accident that as he replicated heaven’s worship pattern, David’s instrument of proficiency was the harp.
In this new season, this new era, the Lord is releasing a new sound in the earth. As the Tabernacle of David is again being restored, the sounds of harps are being released in our praise and worship. Harps release the sound of heaven and His glory. Many are expecting glory waves to hit the earth, and for massive revival and reformation. We should not be surprised the sound of heaven with harps and tambourines will herald the wave!
Recently, I was on a webcast with Andrew Ironside as he taught about the harp in worship. He spoke of leading worship with the guitar and the piano, but that the harp opens the Spirit realm quicker! Though it’s not the subject of this article; I believe simultaneous to the sound of the harp, the Lord wants to restore the sound of the believer’s voice. Revelation 19:6 is a picturesque description of the sound of the many voices in victorious praise. They sound like raging, rushing water and mighty thunder!
Imagine for a moment, nothing but the sound of multitudes of worshippers singing in the Spirit accompanied by harps… There is nothing wrong with other sounds, but I believe this is the sound the Spirit wants to release in His Church is these end days! Not only is it to release the sound of heaven, but it is also a powerful weapon against an enemy that is getting nastier and nastier.
The Lord says he judges His enemies with both the tambourine and the harp.
In Isaiah 30:15 the Lord speaks of “quietness and confidence is our strength” and then very quickly He speaks of His judgement against the Assyrians with the sound of the harp! Most would not consider using this beautiful gentle instrument to smash the enemy!
The first scene of Isaiah 30:29 is the Passover celebration (feast in the night) on the Lord’s mountain. Songs of joy and deliverance would be heard. The second scene is the Lord’s voice thundering in windstorms and firestorms before smashing the Assyrians with harps and tambourines! Not your normal imagery of a harp!
“At the sound of Yahweh, the people of Assyria will be shattered. He will strike them with his rod. 32 To the sound of tambourines and lyres, Yahweh will pound on them. He will fight them in battle, swinging his fists.” (Isaiah 30:31,32 NKJV)
The Assyrians today include the countries of Iraq, Iran, and parts of Syria. Like the Lord did for Isaiah in 8th century B.C., is it possible the Lord is restoring the harp to again bring comfort to war torn Assyrians and simultaneously pound on principalities, powers and spiritual world rulers stirring up hatred and war? Iran has the fastest growing Church in the world! Their own government says there are too many Christians to jail![3] Many of these were previously Muslim. Are the sound of the harp and the Lord’s voice (shofar) essential ‘weapons’ for intercession in the Middle East today?
Two key times in history, tambourines and harps are used to celebrate a great victory of the Lord. These two historical times are very important for our understanding of the use of the harp in the end-times. And these two times are recorded in chapter 15 of the respective books—indicating God’s divine grace!
The first is in the battle with Pharaoh—a picture of a cruel ruler, even the anti-Christ. After ten plagues judged Egypt’s gods, the wind of God parted the Red Sea. When Israel reached the other side of the red Sea they burst into the “Song of Moses” the “song of deliverance”. The account of the celebratory song is found in Exodus 15—it really was an “act of divine grace”. Miriam and the women danced and played tambourine as all Israel sang the song of Moses.
In Revelation chapter 15 the song of Moses is sung again. This time the song of victory is about overcoming the dragon and the beast—definitely another “act of divine grace”!
According to Revelation 12:9 the dragon is a metaphor of the “serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan.” Regarding the beast, most commentators consider it a metaphor of the anti-Christ (singular wicked person) or perhaps the spirit of anti-Christ working. Others see the beast as representing our beastly our old nature. Regardless of favoured interpretation, these entities, including our flesh, all war against Messiah. Anti-Christ should read anti-Messiah. It is opposed to Messiah as well as seeks to replace Him with a false Messiah.
The dragon and the beast blaspheme God, the tabernacle, and all the saints (Revelation 13). I’m confident the dragon and beast are loud and obnoxious. Demonic manifestations are rarely quiet—and neither is their music! Likely to be violent, loud, aggressive and dissonant.
But those who overcome anti-Christ sing the song of Moses accompanied by harps!!
This time the worshippers do not go through the Red Sea but stand on the Sea of glass. Sea is a metaphor of humanity. Glass is transparent. Those who overcome the anti-Christ are totally devoted to the Lord. Regardless of the ranting of anti-Christ they have peace and assurance. Their confidence and trust in God is total, complete and without wavering. They are transparent worshippers living with integrity and singing victory with the harp.
The surge in those playing the harp in the nations is prophetic of Messiah’s victory. Regardless of what the enemy does, the Lord comforts His people. The sound of the harp in Israel and the Church is a reminder to the enemy; the Messiah will not be mocked, or defeated! The Lamb wins every battle—and He is returning real soon!
[1] “Prophetic Symbolism” by Adam Thompson, Adrian Beale
[2] https://www.harrariharps.com/single-post/2017/02/09/Temple-Harp-Project
[3] “Too Many to Jail - The Story of Iran's New Christians” by Mark Bradley
© 2018 Ruth Webb